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Artigos em Congresso

  1. Xexeo, Geraldo; SANTOS, LEONARDO . A Spatial Lexical Analyzer and 3D Grammars that Recognize Voxel Based Structures Using Linear Positional Grammars in Minecraft. In: 2022 21st Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), 2022, Natal. 2022 21st Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), 2022. p. 1.
  2. PARREIRAS, M. ; XEXEO, G ; BERNARDES, B. ; MELLO, J. A. ; MARQUES, P. . Um jogo de tabuleiro colaborativo para motivar alunos de educação ambiental. In: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  3. PARREIRAS, M. ; MARQUES, P. ; XEXEO, G . Kano Model applied to the evaluation a collaborative board game for teaching in environmental education. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  4. PARREIRAS, M. ; XEXEO, G ; MARQUES, P. . Proposta e Estudo de Caso de um Método para Design de Vídeo Games Educacionais. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  5. PARREIRAS, M. ; MARQUES, P. ; XEXEO, G . A Game for Simulating the Sucessfull Saga of an Individual Micro Entrepeneur. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  6. PARREIRAS, M. ; PESSOA, C. H. M. ; PAIVA, T. M. ; LIMA, Y. B. ; XEXEO, G . Batalha das Lendas: Uma proposta de jogo de tabuleiro paravalorização cultural do folclore brasileiro. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  7. XEXEO, G; MANGELI, E. ; MARQUES, P. ; PARREIRAS, M. ; F. Noël ; BLANCHARD, F. ; BAPTISTA, J. ̃ ; PAIVA, B. D. . Um Jogo Digital para Divulgar o Processo de Descoberta e Desenvolvimento de Fármacos. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  8. VAZ, A. ; XEXEO, G . Desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Reação a Jogos Educacionais Digitais. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022..
  9. CORREA, A. C. ; LYRA, A. ; LIMA, Y. B. ; XEXEO, G . Formígrafo: um jogo para motivar ao aprendizado de Teoria de Grafos. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  10. PARREIRAS, M. ; VASCONCELLOS, A. ; MANGELI, E. ; YAMAMOTO, E. ; XEXEO, G ; METELLO, I. ; COSTA, L. M. ; MARQUES, P. ; SOUZA, JANO DE . Inteligência artificial aplicada para o aumento da produtividade no atendimento de intimações. In: X Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, 2022. Anais do X Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, 2022.
  11. OURIQUES, L. ; BARBOSA, C. E. ; XEXEO, G . On the Design of Educational Course of Action Wargaming. In: ABSEL conference, 2022. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conferen.
  12. PARREIRAS, M. ; PAIVA, T. M. ; XEXEO, G . Investigando o Fluxo de Conhecimento em FAQs de Jogos de Tabuleiro. In: SBGAMES XXI, 2022. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 2022.
  13. Xexéo, Geraldo; MANGELI, Eduardo ; SILVA, FARMY ; OURIQUES, LEANDRO ; COSTA, LUIS FELIPE COIMBRA ; MONCLAR, RAFAEL STUDART . Games as Information Systems. In: SBSI 2021: XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2021, Uberlândia Brazil. XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems. New York: ACM. p. 1.
  14. XEXÉO, Geraldo; COSTA, L. M. ; Mantovani, Rafael Gomes ; Francisco Carlos Monteiro Souza . Feature Analysis to League of Legends Victory Prediction on the Picks and Bans Phase. In: 3rd IEEE Conference on Games, 2021, COPENHAGEN (VIRTUAL). 3rd IEEE Conference on Games, 2021.
  15. PANZARIELLO, M. R. ; Xexéo, Geraldo . Uma Abordagem para Detecção Precoce de Predadadores Sexuais em Conversas Virtuais. In: ERSI RJ 2021 – Escola Regional de Sistemas de Informação – Riio de Janeiro, 2021, Rio de Janeiro. ERSI RJ 2021 – Escola Regional de Sistemas de Informação – Riio de Janeiro, 2021.
  16. Insights after 42 Months of Application and Development of a Computational Methodology for Children, Rafael Monclar, Geraldo Xexéo. SBGames 2020 (artigo)
  17. Deezarm: Áudio Game para Inclusão de Deficientes Visuais. Thiago Leitão, Farmy Silva, Sandro Saporito, Wellington Silva, Geraldo Xexéo, SBGames 2020  (artigo)
  18. Towards automated team composition in MOBA games based on players’ personality: an intelligent approach.  Lincoln Costa, Alinne Souza e Francisco Carlos Souza. Apresentado por Lincoln Costa. (artigo)
  19. Xô Corona: Aprendendo Medidas Preventivas da COVID-19 Através de Um Jogo. Joshua Kriztz, Lincoln Costa, Tadeu Costa, Geraldo Xexéo. Apresentado por Tadeu Classe. (artigo)
  20. Aplicação de Variantes para Desenvolvimento de Um Jogo Sério Sobre COVID-19: Estudo de Caso Xô Corona, de Lincoln Costa e Geraldo Xexéo. Apresentado por Lincoln Costa. (artigo)
  21. Gomes, C ; SCHNEIDER, DANIEL ; DE SOUZA, J. M. ; Xexéo, Geraldo ; Oliveira, Luiz . Evaluation of a GWAP for social recruitment and measurement of musical talent. In: CSCWD 2019 International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2019, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings CSCWD 2019 International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2019.
  22. OURIQUES, LEANDRO ; BARBOSA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; Xexeo, Geraldo ; SOUZA, JANO DE . Analyzing Knowledge Codification for Planning Military Operations. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2019, Bari. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2019. p. 2620.
  23. Xexéo, Geraldo; MANGELI, E. ; DAVID, A. ; PERES, M. . Telemetry for Arcade-Like Games: Model and Tool. In: SBGAMES 2019, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of SBGames 2019, 2019.
  24. OURIQUES, L. ; Xexéo, Geraldo ; MANGELI, E. . Analyzing Space Dimensions in Video Games. In: SBGAMES 2019, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of SBGames 2019, 2019.
  25. CARMO, Airine ; Xexéo, Geraldo ; ARAUJO, R. M. . Um metamodelo de cores e emoc¸oes para arte conceitual de jogos. In: SBGames 2019, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of SBGames 2019, 2019.
  26. NOGUEIRA, MATEUS ; ASSIS, FELIPE ; MENASCHE, DANIEL ; Xexeo, Geraldo ; WOLTER, KATINKA . Software Longevity in the Wild: Folklore and Law. In: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 2019, Berlin. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 2019. p. 232.
  27. MOUSSALLEM, D. ; FERREIRA, T. C. ; ZAMPIERI, M. ; CAVALCANTI, Maria Cláudia Reis ; XEXEO, G ; NEVES, M. L. ; NGOMO, A. N. . RDF2PT: Generating Brazilian Portuguese Texts from RDF Data. In: LREC 2018, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. 11th LREC 2018: Miyazaki, Japan, 2018. v. 1.
  28. QUEIROZ, RUBENS LACERDA ; BICHARA DE AZEREDO COUTINHO, IGOR ; Xexeo, Geraldo Bonorino ; MACHADO VIEIRA LIMA, PRISCILA ; SAMPAIO, FABIO FERRENTINI . Playing with Robots Using Your Brain. In: 2018 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. 2018 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), 2018. p. 197.
  29. DE CLASSE, TADEU MOREIRA ; DE ARAUJO, RENATA MENDES ; XEXÉO, GERALDO BONORINO . From Business Processes to Digital Games. In: the XIV Brazilian Symposium, 2018, Caxias do Sul. Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems – SBSI’18. New York: ACM Press, 2018. p. 1.
  30. LIMA, Y. ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; BARBOSA, C. E. ; CHAVES, M. ; DE SOUZA, J. M. ; RODRIGUES, S. ; HWANG, J. ; XEXEO, G ; BRUNO, P. H. ; GOMES, E. C. . Multi-criteria Analysis applied to the inspection of Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding places. In: BiDU-PS 2018 Posters at Big Social Data and Urban Computing, 2018. Proceedings of the Poster Track of the Workshop on Big Social Data and Urban Computing c, 2018.
  31. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; Xexéo, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. ; PINHEIRO, A. B. ; GOMES, C. . Strategy for Generation of Knowledge through Automatic Correlation of Dimensional Data in Star Schema: Application in the Context of Leishmaniasis. In: Poster Track of the Workshop on Big Social Data and Urban Computing, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the Poster Track of the Workshop on Big Social Data and Urban Computing, 2018.
  32. CLASSE, Tadeu ; ARAUJO, R. M. ; XEXEO, G . Process Model Game Design: Uma Ferramenta para Apoio a Sistematização de Design de Jogos Digitais Baseados em Processos de Negócio. In: SBGames, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of SBGames 2018, 2018.
  33. ALBUQUERQUE, T. C. ; REYES-RICON, M. ; XEXEO, G . Uma Abordagem Metodologica para a Tradução de Obras Literárias para Jogos. In: SBGames 2018, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of SBGames 2018, 2018.
  34. KRITZ, J. ; CARMO, A. ; XEXEO, G . Usando retórica procedural para desenvolver um jogo transmídia sobre reciclagem: estudo de caso do Tríade. In: SBGames 2018, 2018. Proceedings of SBGames 2018, 2018.
  35. CARMO, A. ; REYES-RICON, M. ; XEXEO, G . O RPG e o Uso De Ferramentas On-Line Um estudo exploratório. In: SBGames 2018, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of SBGames 2018, 2018.
  36. MONCLAR, Rafael ; AREAS, Marcelo ; XEXEO, G . Jogos com Propósito para o Ensino de Programação. In: SBGames 2018, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of SBGames 2018, 2018.
  37. OLIVEIRA, R. M. ; GONZAGA, F. B. ; BARBOSA, V. C. ; Xexéo, Geraldo B. . A Distributed System for SearchOnMath Based on the Microsoft BizSpark Program. In: SBC 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD), 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2018.
  38. SILVA, Victor ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Money Basket: A Classroom Game about the Basic Mechanics of the Stock Exchange Market. In: ABSEL 2017, 2017. DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS SIMULATION AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, 2017. v. 44.
  39. OLIVEIRA, L. F. ; XEXEO, G ; MANGELI, E. ; DIPOLITTO, C. . Long-Term Experience with A Business Game Competition for Large-Scale Dissemination of Entrepreneurial Culture. In: ABSEL, 2017. DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS SIMULATION AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING, 2017. v. 44.
  40. CLASSE, Tadeu ; ARAÚJO, Renata M. ; Xexéo, Geraldo . Desaparecidos RJ Um Jogo Digital para o Entendimento de Processos de Prestação de Serviços Públicos. In: SBGames – Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017, Curitiba. SBGames – Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017.
  41. KRITZ, J. ; MANGELI, E. ; XEXEO, G . Building an Ontology of Boardgame Mechanics based on the BoardGameGeek Database and the MDA Framework. In: SBGames Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017, Curitiba. SBGames Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017.
  42. BICHARRA, I. A. C. ; NEY, R. ; FRANCA, H. ; Xexéo, Geraldo . Approaching Gameplay Reactions with Patterns in Biometric and Visual Data. In: SBGames Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017, Curitiba. SBGames Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2017.
  43. CARMO, A. ; Xexéo, Geraldo . Alternate Reality Games: breve revisão. In: SBGames Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entrenimento Digital, 2017, Curitiba. SBGames Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entrenimento Digital, 2017.
  44. Xexéo, Geraldo; GUEDES, G. P. ; SILVA, Eduardo Bezerra da ; OGASAWARA, E. . Exploring Multiple Clusterings In Attributed Graphs. In: SAC 2015, 2015, Salamanca. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 ACM SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED COMPUTING. v. 1.
  45. SILVA, SANDRA REGINA ROCHA ; Xexeo, Geraldo Bonorino . Child Search Framework: A collaborative information retrieval architecture to assist children in the search process. In: 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2013, Whistler. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2013. p. 551.
  46. GOMES, CARLOS ; SCHNEIDER, DANIEL ; DE SOUZA, JANO ; Xexeo, Geraldo . Cassino musical: A game with a purpose for social recruitment and measurement of musical talent. In: 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2013, Whistler. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2013. p. 593.
  47. GOMES, CARLOS ; SCHNEIDER, DANIEL ; SOUZA, JANO DE ; Xexeo, Geraldo . Towards a Framework for Crowdsourced Collection, Cleaning and Measurement of Digital Content. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2013), 2013, Manchester. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2013. p. 1032.
  48. DOS SANTOS, RODRIGO COSTA ; XEXÉO, GERALDO BONORINO ; DUARTE, FELLIPE ; NASCIMENTO, PAULA ; ÁGUAS, RODRIGO . ProcessSearch. In: the 19th Brazilian symposium, 2013, Salvador. Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web – WebMedia ’13. New York: ACM Press, 2013. p. 237.
  49. TOMAZ, LUIZ F. C. ; RODRIGUES NT, JOSE A. ; SOUZA, JANO M. ; XEXEO, GERALDO B. . A recommender system for metrics. In: 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2012, Wuhan. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2012.
  50. NASCIMENTO, P. ; AGUAS, R. ; LIMA, D. ; KONG, X. ; Osiek, Bruno Adam ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. . Análise de sentimento de tweets com foco em notícias. In: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012, Curitiba. Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
  51. SILVA, S. R. R. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SILVA JUNIOR, M. F. . Family Search Framework: uma arquitetura de identificac¸ao de oportunidades de ? colaborac¸ao para crianc¸as no processo da busca. In: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012, Curitiba. Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM), 2012.
  52. TOMAZ, L. F. C. ; RODRIGUES NETO, J. A. ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Bringing Knowledge into Recommendation Systems. In: CSCWD 2011, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. CSCWD 2011, 2011. p. 130-X.
  53. PACHECO, B. ; BAKKER, A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; DIPOLITTO, C. . Emotions in Business Game: Case Study in Desafio Sebrae. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2011, Salvador. SBGames 2011, 2011.
  54. MARINS, D. ; JUSTO, M. ; CHAVES, B. ; DIPOLITTO, C. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . SmartRabbit: a mobile exergame using geolocation. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2011, Salvador. SBGames 2011, 2011.
  55. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; SILVA, M. C. O. ; RODRIGUES, T. de S. ; XEXEO, G ; SOUZA, J. M. . Discarding Similar Data Autonomic Data Killing Framework based on High- Level Petri Net Rules: an Rss Implementation. In: Sixth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systemps, 2010, Cancun – México. Sixth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systemps, 2010. p. 110-115.
  56. LIMA, E. J. C. ; RODRIGUES NETO, J. A. ; XEXEO, G ; SOUZA, J. M. . ARARA ? A collaborative tool to requirement change awarenes. In: 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2010, Shanghai, China. 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2010. p. 134-139.
  57. MARINS, D. ; RODRIGUES NETO, J. A. ; XEXEO, G ; SOUZA, J. M. . Scrum-Half: Uma Ferramenta Web de Apoio ao Scrum. In: Brasilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, 2010, Salvador – Bahia. Brasilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, 2010. p. —.
  58. SANTOS, R. ; FERNANDES, L. A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Recomendação Semântica de Documentos à Especialistas Utilizando a Lógica Fuzzy. In: III Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 2010, São Bernardo do Campo. WCI 2010 – III Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 2010.
  59. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; SILVA, M. C. O. ; BARROS, R.O. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. . Autonomic collaborative RSS: An implementation of autonomic data using data killing patterns. In: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2009, Santiago. CSCWD, 2009. p. 492-497.
  60. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; RODRIGUES, T. de S. ; SILVA, M. A. R. da ; SILVA, M. A. N. da ; SILVA, M. C. O. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. . Autonomic RSS: Discarding Irrelevant News. In: Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomus Systems, 2009, Valencia. ICAS, 2009. p. 148-153.
  61. OSIEK, B.A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; VIVACQUA, A.S. ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Does Conference Participation Lead to Increased Collaboration? A Quantitative Investigation. In: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2009, Chile. CSCWD, 2009. p. 642-647.
  62. BARROS, R.O. ; RODRIGUES NETO, J. A. ; CARNEIRO FILHO, H. J. A. ; FERREIRA, F.R.S. ; FERNADES, O.C. ; SILVA, C.E.P. ; RIBEIRO, A.L.G. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. . A Collaborative Approach to Building Evaluated Web Pages Datasets. In: 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2009, Santiago. CSCWD, 2009. p. 668-673.
  63. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MORGADO, F. ; FIUZA, P. . Automatically Generated Tag Clouds. In: XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2009, Fortaleza. SBBD, 2009. p. 136-150.
  64. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MORGADO, F. ; FIUZA, P. . Differential Tag Clouds: Highlighting Particular Features in Documents. In: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2009, Milan. WI-IAT, 2009. v. 3. p. 129-132.
  65. NETO, B. ; FAGUNDES, V. ; SILVEIRA, N. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, J. M. . A Fuzzy Tool for Substituting Researchers. In: WORLDCOMP’2009, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence – IC-AI, 2009. p. 224-228.
  66. MARZULLO, F. P. ; SOUZA, J. M. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Requirement-Based Costing with MDA. In: International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, & E-Government, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada. CSREA EEE, 2009. p. 254-260.
  67. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Autonomic Patterns: Modelling Data Killing Patterns Using High-Level Petri Nets. In: The Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Sytems, 2008, Gosier. Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Sytems, 2008. p. 198-203.
  68. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; BARROS, R. ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto . Framework para Modelagem de Processos usando Redes de Petri de Alto-Nível: um Enfoque sobre a Eliminação de Dados. In: IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 2008. p. 199-210.
  69. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; BARROS, R. ; NT, J Rodrigues ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Using Active Rules and Petri Nets to Composite Event Detection in Autonomic Systems. In: 3th Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium, 2008, Gramado. Proceedings of 3th Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium, 2008. p. 81-84.
  70. Lima E. J. ; NT, J Rodrigues ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Arara: Artifacts and Requirements Awarness Reinforcement Agents. In: IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents, 2008, Amesterdam. Proceedings of 3th Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium, 2008.
  71. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; Castro P. F. ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto . Using Wavelets to Classify Documents. In: The 2008 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2008, Sydney. Proceedings of The 2008 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2008.
  72. MIRANDA, Mutaleci ; Xexeo, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . TIGRAS: A Topology-Independent Gradient Search Approach for Peer-to-Peer Key Look Up. In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2008, São Paulo. Proceedings IEEE CSE’08, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2008. p. 197.
  73. VIVACQUA, Adriana ; NT, J Rodrigues ; MACHADO, M. ; PADULA, R. ; PAES, M. ; BARROS, P. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; MIRANDA, Mutaleci . Foxpeer: Navigating the web With Community Recommendations. In: IADIS International Conference, 2007, Salamanca. Proceedings of Web Based Communities 2007, 2007. p. 118-125.
  74. MIRANDA, Mutaleci ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Coppeer Documents: An Agent Based Approach to Collaborative and Incremental Development of Document Oriented Peer-to-Peer Systems. In: CSCWD, 2007, Melbourne. Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2007.
  75. VIVACQUA, Adriana ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; BARROS, R. ; MATTOS, A.S. ; CIANNI, N.M. ; MONTEIRO JR, P.C.L. ; MARTINO, R.N. ; MARQUES, V. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Dynaflow: Agent-Based Dynamic Workflow Management for P2P Environments. In: ICEIS, 2007. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2007.
  76. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; VIVACQUA, Adriana ; BARROS, R. ; MATTOS, A.S. ; CIANNI, N.M. ; MONTEIRO JR, P.C.L. ; MARTINO, R.N. ; MARQUES, V. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Dynamic Workflow Management for P2P Environments Using Agents. In: ICCS – International Conference on Computacional Science, 2007, Beijing. Proceedings of ICCS – Advancing Science and Society through Computation, 2007.
  77. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SILVA, Eduardo Bezerra da ; MATTOSO, Marta Lima de Queirós . Semi-Supervised Clustering of XML Documents: Getting the Most From Structural Information. In: 3rd International Workshop on XML Schema and Data Management (XSDM’06), 2006, Atlanta. 3rd International Workshop on XML Schema and Data Management (XSDM’06), 2006.
  78. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MARZULLO, Fábio P . A Qualitative Study on PATT – A Project Assessment and Tracking Tool. In: 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and, 2006, Las Vegas. 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and, 2006.
  79. MIRANDA, Mutaleci ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de . Building Tools for Emergent Design with COPPEER. In: The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006, Nanjing, China. The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006.
  80. XEXÉO, Geraldo; REZENDE, Juliana Lucas de ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; PEREIRA, Vinícios Batista . Building a Personal Knowledge Recommendation System using Agents, Learning Ontologies and Web Mining. In: The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006, Nanjing, China, 2006.
  81. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; REZENDE, Juliana Lucas de ; SILVA, Ricardo Tadeu da ; ARAÚJO, Margarete Silva . Supporting Student-Supervisor Scientific Collaboration. In: The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006, Nanjing, China. The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006.
  82. PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; OLIVEIRA, Jonice ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; Marcelo Perazolo . Using Autonomic Computing and Click Stream Analysis for Problem Identification in Continuous Production. In: Third International Conference, CDVE, 2006, Palma de Mallorca. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 2006. v. 4101. p. 17-24.
  83. MORE, Jesus Domech ; GUIMARÃES, Ari Sauer ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; TANSCHEIT, Ricardo . A fuzzy approach to the evaluation of human factors in ultrasonic nondestructive examinations. In: The XIII Congress of International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy, 2006, Hammamet. Proceedings of The XIII Congress of International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy, 2006.
  84. NT, J Rodrigues ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; SILVA, Geraldo Zimbrão da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; NEVES, Eduardo ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto . A P2P Approach for Business Process Modeling and Reuse. In: Workshop on Enterprise and Networked Enterprises Interoperability, 2006, Vienna. Proceedings of Workshop on Enterprise and Networked Enterprises Interoperability, 2006. v. 4103. p. 297-307.
  85. OLIVEIRA, Jonice ; PINHEIRO, Wallace Anacleto ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; Marcelo Perazolo . Symptom Analysis of a Web Server Log. In: The Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium – LAACS, 2006, Campo Grande. Proceedings of The Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium – LAACS, 2006. p. 128-131.
  86. MIRANDA, Mutaleci ; Xexeo, Geraldo Bonorino . A complex adaptive collaborative applications. In: WTDBD, 2005. WTDBD, 2005.
  87. MORE, Jesus Domech ; GUIMARÃES, Ari Sauer ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; TANSCHEIT, Ricardo ; MAGALHÃES, L.M. . Interaction between the written procedure and the technician: A fuzzy modeling approach. In: International Atlantic Conference – INAC, 2005, São Paulo. Proceedings of International Atlantic Conference – INAC, 2005.
  88. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; VIVACQUA, Adriana ; MIRANDA, Bernardo ; BRAGA, Bruno ; ALMENTERO, Bruno Kinder ; NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR, José ; CASTILHO, Rodrigo . Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Editing of Ontologies. In: The Eighth International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2004, Xiamen. The Eighth International Conference on CSCW in Design Proceedings, 2004.
  89. SCHNEIDER, Daniel S ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; PALMA, Sergio . Configurable Electronic Journal (CEJ) – Exploiting Knowledge Infrastructures. In: The Eighth International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2004, Xiamen, R.P. da China. The Eighth International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2004.
  90. XEXÉO, Geraldo; NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR, José ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; BRAGA, Bruno da Rocha ; ALMENTERO, Bruno Kinder ; OSTHOFF, Carla ; MIRANDA, Bernardo ; VIVACQUA, Adriana ; OLIVEIRA, Jonice ; RAMIREZ, Milton . Collaborative Editing of Ontologies in a Peer-to-Peer Framework. In: SemPGRID’04, 2004, New York, 2004.
  91. SCHNEIDER, Daniel S ; MEDEIROS, Sergio Palma da Justa ; PALMA, Sergio ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Configurable Eletronic Journal ( CEJ) – Towards Flexible Scientific Knowledge Infrastructures.. In: The 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2004, Xiamen, China. CSCWD, 2004. v. II. p. 191-196.
  92. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GUIMARÃES, Ari Sauer ; MORE, Jesus Domech . Estudo da Confiabilidade de um Procedimento de Ultra-Som através de um Modelo de Agregação Fuzzy. In: 7a Conferência sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos (7a COTEq), 2003, Florianópolis, 2003.
  93. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MORE, Jesus Domech ; GUIMARÃES, Ari Sauer . Modelo Fuzzy para Avaliação da Confiabilidade Humana do Inspetor de Ensaio Não Destrutivo de Ultra-Som. In: III Pan-American Conference for Nondestructive Testing, 2003. Anais em CD-ROM do III PANNDT (III Pan-American Conference for Nondestructive Testing).
  94. XEXÉO, Geraldo; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; ROCHA, C. . MyLibrary: a web personalized digital library. In: E-learn – World conference in E-learning, 2002, Montreal. E-learn – World conference in E-learning, 2002.
  95. MORE, Jesus Domech ; GUIMARÃES, Ari Sauer ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Metodologia Fuzzy para Avaliação da Confiabilidade Humana nos END por Ultra-Som. In: XXI Congresso Nacional de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e 6a Conferencia de Tecnologia de Equipamentos, 2002, Salvador. Anais em CD ROM do XXI CONAEND & 6a COTEQ, 2002.
  96. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GARCIA, A. C. . Organization of a Clinical Datawarehouse. In: The 2000 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, 2000, Las Vegas, 2000.
  97. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GARCIA, A. C. . FBCDataWare: Um Ambiente de Dados Integrados para Cardiologia. In: Simposio de Informatica y Salud, 2000, Buenos Aires, 2000.
  98. XEXÉO, Geraldo; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; MAIDANTCHIK, C. . Process Management in a World Wide Collaboration. In: 2nd International Workshop on Process support for Distributed Team-based Software Development (PDTSD’OO), 2000, Orlando, 2000.
  99. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SILVA, Eduardo Bezerra da ; MATTOSO, Marta Lima de Queirós . An analysis of the integration between data mining applications and database systems. In: 2nd Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM’00),, 2000, Cambridge. Proc 2nd Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM’00, 2000. p. 151-160.
  100. SILVA, Eduardo Bezerra da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Uma Primitiva para dar Suporte a Obtencao de Resumos Estatisticos para Clasificacao em Mineracao de Dados. In: XIV Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 1999, 1999.
  101. BOULOSA, R. ; CRUZ, F. C. A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Incerteza em bancos de dados: tipo de dados nebulosos no GOA. In: XIV Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 1999, Florianópolis. Anais do XIV Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 1999.
  102. OLIVEIRA, Kathia Marçal de ; CERQUEIRA, A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Qual-Cordis:a domain-specific tool for the identification of software quality requeriments using Fuzzy Theory. In: FESMA99 – 2nd Eropean Software Measurement Conference, 1999, 1999.
  103. MACHADO, M. T. ; CAVALCANTI, M. C. R. ; CERQUEIRA, A. ; ARAUJO JÚNIOR, Nelson Sampaio ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . MIDIZ: Indexacao e Recuparacao Baseada em Conteudo de Arquivos MIDI. In: Simposio Brasileiro de Multimidia, 1999, 1999.
  104. MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Software Process Standardization for Distributed Working Groups. In: 4th IEEE International Software Enginerring Standards Symposium, 1999, 1999.
  105. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Melhoria de Processos através da integração de padrÕes e modelos de maturidade para equipes geograficamente dispersas. In: VI Workshop de Qualidade de Software, 1999. Anais do VI Workshop de Qualidade de Software, 1999.
  106. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . A Web tool to support geographically distributed software development teams. In: 12th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, 1999, Paris, 1999.
  107. VALE, Carla ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Improving Employee Awareness with an Intranet. In: WebNet Conference on WWW, 1998, 1998.
  108. PALMA, Sergio ; SOUZA, Jano Moreira de ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Desingning GIS worflow using Fuzzy Petri Nets. In: Workshop on Application of Petri Nets to Intelligent System Development, 1998, 1998.
  109. MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . A Web Process Support System for Distributed Working Groups. In: WebNet conference on WWW, Internet and Intranet, 1998, 1998.
  110. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SILVA, Eduardo Bezerra da . Constructing Data Mining Functionalities in a DBMS. In: International Conference on Data Mining, 1998, Rio de Janeiro. Data Mining, 1998.
  111. XEXÉO, Geraldo; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; MAIDANTCHIK, C. . Gerência do Processo de Software para Equipes Globalmente Distribuídas. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 1998, Maringá. WQS’98, 1998. p. 27-32.
  112. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SEIXAS, José Manoel de ; JANDRE, F ; ALENCAR, M . PACUS: Páginas de Apoio Em Cálculo Visando Um Ensino Interativo Multidisciplina. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino de Engenharia, 1998, São Paulo, 1998.
  113. XEXÉO, Geraldo; SEIXAS, José Manoel de ; FONSECA, Gustavo de Abreu . A WWW Based Development Environment For Neural Network Applications In Experimental Physics. In: International Conference on Engineering Education, 1998, Rio de Janeiro. International Conference on Engineering Education, 1998.
  114. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software para Equipes de Trabalho Cooperativas e Distribuidas. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 1997, 1997.
  115. MAURO, Renato Campos ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; OUTROS, e . GOA: Tecnologia, Implementacao e Extensoes aos Servicos de Gerencia de Objetos. In: Simposio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados, 1997, 1997.
  116. BELCHIOR, Arnaldo Dias ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Um Modelo Fuzzy para Avaliacao de Qualidade de software. In: Simposio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1997, 1997.
  117. BRAGA, André Luiz ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Extending databases with a fuzzy query and reasoning engine. In: SCI97, 1997, 1997.
  118. DIAS, Marcio de Souza ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Supporting Software Design with a Mutli-Plataform Collaborative Editor. In: SCI97, 1997, 1997.
  119. ARAÚJO, Renata M. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Placing Participatory design in the View of Cognitive Ecology. In: SCI97, 1997, 1997.
  120. COSTA, R. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Os papeis do professor na utilizacao da internet. In: SBIE 97, 1997, 1997.
  121. MAIDANTCHIK, C. ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . A WWW Software Development enviroment to Support Cooperative and Spread Working groups. In: Computing in High Energy Physics 97 Conference, 1997, 1997.
  122. XEXÉO, Geraldo. Objetos: O que sao, onde estao e como vivem. In: Seminario Tecnologias de Informacao:Implementacao e Impactos -COPPE/UFRJ, 1996, 1996.
  123. XEXÉO, Geraldo; BELCHIOR, Arnaldo Dias ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Evaluating Software Quality Requeriments using Fuzzy Theory. In: Proceedings of ISAS 96, 1996, 1996.
  124. XEXÉO, Geraldo; COSTA, R. . The Educational Goals of schools on the Intenet: A Case Study in Brazil. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International conference on tecnology and Education, 1996, 1996.
  125. XEXÉO, Geraldo; BELCHIOR, Arnaldo Dias ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Aplicacao da Teoria Fuzzy em Requisitos de Qualidade de Softwrae. In: Memorias-I, XXII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, 1996, 1996.
  126. XEXÉO, Geraldo; COSTA, R. . A Internet nas Escolas, uma proposta de ação. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 1996, 1996.
  127. BELCHIOR, Arnaldo Dias ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Um modelo Fuzzy para Qualidade de Software. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 1995, Rio de Janeiro. Pesquisas de Teses em Engenharia de Software, 1995. p. 22-23.
  128. XEXÉO, Geraldo. Estendendo um modelo de qualidade de software com teoria fuzzy. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 1995, 1995.
  129. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MARIANO, Sandra ; VASQUEZ, R. . Terceirizacao do Desenvolvimento de Software: a Questao da Qualidade. In: Workshop Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 1995, 1995.
  130. COMERLATO, C. A. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Avaliacao da Reutilizabilidade de Componentes de Software. In: VII Simposio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 1994, 1994.
  131. XEXÉO, Geraldo. Usando Orientacao a Objetos em Pesquisa Operacional. In: XXV Simposio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 1993, 1993.
  132. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . Simulation of leading bayron production in pp interactions at future supercolliders. In: LXXVII Congresso Nazionale de la Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  133. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . An entity relationship approach to event and detector Monte Carlo simulation in high-energy physics. In: LXXVII Congresso Nazionale de la societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  134. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . A study of multi-TeV b-Production with HERWIG. In: LXXVII congresso Nazionale de la Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  135. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . Management of Software Information with SIM. In: LXXVII congresso nazionale de la Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  136. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . Building HEP program chains with a library of modules. In: LXXVII congresso Nazionale de la Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  137. XEXÉO, Geraldo; GROUP, J. M. ; ALBERT, G. . Monte Carlo simulations for H0 search at 200TeV. In: LXXVII congresso nazionale de la Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1992, 1992.
  138. XEXÉO, Geraldo; COMMARE, Giuseppe La . CAB: The Cosmos Application Builder. In: CHEP Conference Computing for High Energy Physics, 1991, 1991.
  139. XEXÉO, Geraldo; COMMARE, Giuseppe La . The CAB Database. In: 14th Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project data Structures for Particle Physics Experiments: Revolution or Evolution, 1990, 1990.
  140. ANSELMO, F. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . COSMOS: A Comprehensive Super Monte Carlo System. In: 14th Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project Data Structures for Particle Physics Experiments: Revolution or Evolution, 1990, 1990.
  141. ALBERT, G. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . A Super Monte-Carlo for Multi-Tec Physics Simulation. In: New Technologies for Supercolliders, 1990, 1990.
  142. ALBERT, G. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo . Super Monte carlo Simulations at 16,40,200 TeV. In: CCAST ELOISATRN Workshop, 1990, 1990.
  143. PASSOS, M. C. ; XEXÉO, Geraldo ; ROCHA, Ana Regina Cavalcanti da . Uma Ferramenta de Avaliacao de projeto: Avalie-GE. In: SUCESU 1990, 1990, Rio de Janeiro, 1990.
  144. XEXÉO, Geraldo; MENDONÇA, S. ; ARAGON, D. F. . Implementação de um interpretador LMS em LISP. In: V Congresso de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica em Engenharia, 1986, São Carlos, 1986.